Our Experience Supporting the Boots Online Prescription Service

Have you ever ordered a prescription online and wondered what process it goes through before it arrives on your doorstep? Well until a few weeks ago, we hadn’t either!
We are Donna and Zoe and we work in the Early Careers team at Boots. One of the fantastic things about working for Boots is how colleagues pull together. We have seen this during our annual ‘supporting our stores’ effort, where support office colleagues help in-store during the Christmas period. So in this new unprecedented world of COVID-19 that we are currently living in, the desire to help each other has never been greater.
Upon answering the call for help, we arrived at the e-pharmacy based in Leicester not knowing what to expect. We found employees from across the whole company; colleagues from our Nottingham Support Office, Boots Opticians, Stores, Beauty counters, and of course Pharmacy, putting their normal day jobs aside and pulling together to achieve one goal; to ensure our patients received their much-needed prescriptions during this very difficult time.
In the midst of COVID-19, our e-pharmacy has seen demand go through the roof, pretty much overnight, the team are working tirelessly to fulfill orders, whilst also reviewing processes and procedures to make the journey as safe and efficient as possible. From Inverness to the Isle of Wight, the e-pharmacy co-ordinates and issues prescriptions the whole length and breadth of the country. This is no easy task and is far more complex than we could have imagined!

Now, we are not trained Clinicians, so there are only a small number of tasks that we can help with in to support the Boots Online Prescription Service. But for the last month, two days a week, we have made ourselves useful by sending letters to GP surgeries, organising deliveries which are then picked by the main team, constructing cardboard boxes, printing postage labels, and boxing things ready to be delivered!
At a time when we all feel quite powerless having an opportunity to support others especially with healthcare needs, gives you a real sense of achievement.
As the weeks go on, the e-pharmacy processes are getting more and more seamless as the team establishes new ways of working to accommodate the increase in orders that are now becoming the norm. What remains consistent is the hard work and dedication that the e-pharmacy staff shows to their patients, doing everything within their control to ensure orders can be fulfilled.
To all our Boots Pharmacy teams, thank you for all that you do!