Frequently asked questions
To set up a job alert, visit our Search Jobs page and submit a search with your chosen criteria (e.g. keyword, location, contract type etc). Click on ‘Set up job alert’, enter your email address and select the frequency you’d like to receive alerts. Press submit to save your job alert.
We encourage you to make your application as soon as possible. We remove our vacancies from the website as soon as we have enough candidates to interview.
Our salaries vary based on your skills, experience and the location of the role, this is something that we would be able to discuss with you at interview.
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We don’t accept CVs in our stores or by email. All applications can be made online. You can find all of our current opportunities on this site; they are updated daily.
Yes, depending on the role this is possible. For Store based roles we recommend you apply for your preferred role. For some roles, if you’re progressed to interview stage then we would withdraw any other applications.
For a number of our roles we use online assessments to help understand your suitability for the position. If you’re successful in being invited to an interview, you’ll be able to discuss your relevant experience then.
You’re able to do this by visiting and logging into your account. Find the vacancy that you’d like to be considered for and if the vacancy is still available you will be able to reinstate your application.
You can do this by visiting and logging into your account. You’ll be able to view the applications that you’ve made and see what status they are at.
If you'd like feedback following an interview, please contact the store directly to request this. For Support Office roles, you can contact the recruiter you had previous contact with.
Boots offer sponsorship for candidates who require a Skilled Worker visa. However, to qualify for sponsorship a candidate must: be offered a role which is eligible such as a Pharmacist or Optometrist (we also sponsor many Support Office roles); be offered the minimum salary required for the role; be able to evidence their knowledge of the English language in the form of a either degree taught in English, an English language test (such as IELTS), or hold a passport from a majority English speaking country. Please note Customer Advisor and Pharmacy Advisor roles are not eligible for sponsorship. If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact the Visa Sponsorship Team via their inbox
If you are an eligible candidate and successful at your interview, your hiring manager will state on your Outcome of Interview form that you require sponsorship. The Visa Sponsorship Team will then be in touch with you to begin the sponsorship process, which will include requesting any required forms and generating a Certificate of Sponsorship for you to use in your visa application. The standard length of sponsorship is 3 years, with the option to renew for a further 3 years. We do also sponsor fixed term roles; therefore, we can sponsor for less than 3 years if necessary. Please note that Boots do not cover the cost of a candidate’s visa fees, nor do we certify maintenance.
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In most cases you have 7 days to complete the online assessment unless we have indicated differently in the invite email. However, we would encourage you to complete the assessment as soon as possible as we progress candidates to interview as they pass the online assessment.
In the email, copy and paste the URL (web address) into a new internet tab and progress from there. Alternatively for some of our online assessments, you can log into your account and start the assessment from there.
Not all of our online assessments are compatible with all tablets and mobile devices, so we suggest you use a desktop if possible. We also recommend that you disable pop up blockers, delete your browser history and all cookies before attempting to log back in.
If you’ve previously completed the same online assessment within a 12 month period then we will use those results and you don’t need to take it again.
During your application, you will be asked ‘Do you require any adjustments or assistance?’ Please use this section to tell us about any adjustments or assistance you may need in order to complete the assessment or attend an interview. We will endeavour to meet these requests wherever possible. The online assessment for store colleague roles has no time limit. You will have 7 days to complete it and can take as long as you need within this time frame, meaning you can leave the test and return to it later. For other roles which do have a time limit on the online assessments, please get in touch if you feel you need further support.
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You can reschedule your interview by using the link from the invite email that you used to book your interview originally – slots are available on a first come first served basis.
Please contact the store directly to let them know. For Support Office roles please contact the recruiter that you’ve had previous contact with.
It usually takes 14 days to hear back from an interview. If you’ve not heard after this please contact us at
If you are a British or Irish citizen this could be your UK or Irish passport, or if you don’t have a passport your birth/adoption certificate together with proof of your National Insurance number. Please note you must present original documents, we cannot accept copies. If you do not hold British or Irish citizenship, you can prove your right to work with: a share code to enable us to carry out an online check (you can apply for a share code online here) or your eligible immigration documents. Please note, a Biometric Resident Permit (BRP) is no longer accepted as proof of right to work. The interview cannot go ahead if you do not bring evidence of your right to work in the UK. Where paper documents are presented, we must see the originals.
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You will need to supply three forms of ID. Details can be found here. Please note some forms of ID have specific validity attached (e.g. Bank statement must be issued in past three months). In addition to the above, when uploading your ID documents, please ensure these are PDF files instead of screenshots. The easiest way to do this is downloading or scanning documents.
Once you have completed your application and had your identity verified, this check will be sent to the Government Bodies. This check is then processed and can take between 1-60 days. Unfortunately, they are unable to give a specific turnaround time. You will receive a paper copy of the disclosure certificate through the post to your home address, as specified in your application and your line manager will be notified on the outcome. If there are any disclosures, you and your line manager will discuss the circumstances surrounding the contents of the certificate and they will take in to account any evidence of rehabilitation.
There are three different levels for DBS and Access NI checks: Basic, Standard and Enhanced which may include Barred List checks. The level of check needed depends on your job role or services to be undertaken. This will have already been agreed with Boots, to ensure that the right level of check is chosen for you. More information on the levels and what information may be included is available here. DBS & Access NI checks are only carried out if you are successful and offered a job where the role or service you will be undertaking meets the requirement.
At Boots we believe it’s important that we have the right people in the right roles and our aim is ensure that suitable colleagues are not excluded from employment. Having a disclosure will not automatically determine your employment with Boots, but we will have a conversation around this with you. We act in accordance with the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and all information will be treated in the strictest of confidence. We would encourage you to have a conversation with your line manager and be honest about your background. Ideally this would be before the certificate is returned. We will ensure any information will not be revealed to others except on a need-to-know basis (such as your line manager may need to ask for advice from HR).
Further information can be found on the Government’s website - click here.
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Our Recruitment Support Centre can help you to unlock your account. Please email
For Boots UK, you’ll need to be 15 years old to work as a Customer Advisor in most of our stores. However, to work at an airport store you’ll need to be 18 years old or over. For Boots Ireland, you'll need to be at least 16 years old to work with us. There may be limits to the hours/days you can work if you’re in school or further education, but this is something we can discuss with you during the recruitment process.
If you would like to do work experience in one of our stores, please contact your local store to see if they can accommodate your request – this will be down to the discretion of the store manager. Please note: due to the nature of the work in our pharmacies we are unable to offer any practical work experience. However, an observational element could be incorporated as part of a wider stores work experience. Alternatively, if you are looking for a wider overview of Boots, then why not consider our virtual work experience programme. We are excited to be working with a national charity, Speakers for Schools to deliver our virtual experience programme. Find out more on our Work Experience page including how your school can sign up to take part. Unfortunately we are not able to offer work experience in our Support Office at this time.
We are proud to be an equal opportunities employer, and wherever possible will make reasonable adjustments in order to help support candidates into work. Such adjustments would need to be discussed with the hiring manager at interview.
You can contact us by email on
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