6 Tips to Work Well From Home During Coronavirus

I’m Becca, a HR graduate. My first placement with Boots is with the Reward and Colleague Health Team and I have recently been working from home, supporting colleague wellbeing during COVID-19.
I know working from home can be challenging so I wanted to share my 6 top tips to work well from home during COVID-19. Here’s what I have learned so far.
Have A Routine
I like to set my mindset as ‘I’m going to work.’ To do this, it’s much easier if you have a routine. Try and keep this as close as possible to your usual day if you were going into the office – Wake up, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast. I sometimes even leave my flat and go to the car park just as if I was doing my usual commute. When I come back, I go to my workspace which I have set up in the kitchen/dining area. I also like to plan my day by scheduling a lunchtime and regular breaks.
I’ve always enjoyed exercise but at this time I think it is even more important. Exercise helps me switch off from my workday and transition into my own time. It is difficult when you are working in your house as your ‘workday’ can easily slip into the evening and merge into one.
As I can’t go to the gym or play a competitive sport like hockey I’m trying new things. There are loads of workout videos online from yoga, HIIT class or body combat type classes – it’s worth trying different ones until you find one that suits and vary the intensity. You can do some that push you harder and others that are more relaxing. I’ve also started running regularly and would really recommend using the ‘Couch to 5K’ app if you’re new to running. Always remember to wash your hands when you return home.

Fresh Air
Open your windows where possible to let in the fresh air and natural light – it is so refreshing. If you haven’t been outside for your daily exercise, then make the most of the fresh air by taking a walk and getting a dose of Vitamin D from the sunshine.
Stay Connected
Although we can’t physically meet up while we’re socially distancing it doesn’t mean that we can’t connect with our colleagues, friends, and family. You could try using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or something similar. Virtual social contact is a great way to lift your spirits and keep up-to-date with your team and their wellbeing too.

Learn Something New
I have been looking into learning something new to keep my mind working and mix up my time a little. Now is a great time to learn something new or be creative such as cooking, learning a language or even planting seeds. Since I was young, I have always wanted to be able to do the splits and I have managed to find a daily video to help me do this and improve my flexibility!!
Limit Social Media
Some time on social media is nice to stay connected to people, but too much time could harm your wellbeing. You could consider adding a screen time limit on your phone, even if you turn it off when the limit comes up at least you know how long you have been on and it helps you not get lost in a million videos. I have recently bought a colouring book and puzzle book to do something in the evening that doesn’t involve a screen, which I’m enjoying.
Lastly, I would say, don’t put too much pressure on yourself! You likely have a lot of distractions from children, housemates, partners or even pets! Don’t set your expectations too high to have a perfect day, see the value in the small wins.